

Friday, July 11, 2008

Teaching your dog to lie down

Lie down command

Training Technique

Down command is very simple, all that you have to do is force your dog to lie down and make sure that he stays there. To teach your dog how to do that the simple technique would be to hold him by the collar under the chin with one hand and then jerking him down with another, as you do this give the "Lie Down" command harshly and this will make the dog naturally creep or lie right down, if your dog struggles, keep on telling him "Down" with a harsh tone, force him to do so gently if your dog is sensitive but if the dog is strong and struggles hard you may have to use your strength to stop him.

Once you have made him lie down the dog should not get up until you ask him to do so.Test him by moving away from him , move actively in and out of the room the moment you see him getting up, go up to him show him that you are annoyed and firmly push him down in the same position and continue.

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