How to begin training your puppy
house training a dog tips
In house dog training
The first thing that you need to do when you get a pup home is to make him aware of what all is acceptable at his new home.In order to house train a dog or a puppy it is essential that first it associates your presence as pleasure and is happy when you are around, only then he will try to understand what you want to tell him. Since house training is the first training that your puppy is going to receive, if not carried out with care, it can completely ruin the temperament of your pet.
Puppies take time to settle down, they have just been removed from their mother, bothers and sisters and generally nervous or tensed in the new home, in this state of mind it is quite natural that the puppy will urinate frequently due to disturbed bladder and bowel movements.Do not scold your puppy in initial level till the time it becomes comfortable with the surroundings and the new environment. Punishing him and shouting at him will only make him hate you and the surroundings where he is being brought up.
Understanding the mental state of the puppy is also very important, when it steps in your house it is looking for a protector, like mother.If you think of leaving the pup alone at home and on returning back you see that there is a puddle on the floor, punishing the pup at that moment will be wrong because the pup has forgotten that he has urinated, he is waiting for the owner to return.If the owner comes back and shouts at him he will associate return of the owner with unpleasant memory and you may not find him waiting for you when you come back next time also the chances are that next time when you come back you will again find puddle on the floor.
If the owner gets harsh, the puppy can adopt a submissive attitude.Wrong attitude on part of the owner can only make their dog shy and nervous.A dog can even become a complete nervous wreck if the owner continues with harsh attitude.
Puppies actually want to be clean and even human babies cannot stay long without relieving themselves, its a good health sign only thing is that they have to be trained properly.The owner has to teach the puppy to go outside to relieve themselves, but then there is a way to tell them that. First you must understand the signs which express that the puppy needs to go out.As far as small puppies are concerned the owners will have to take them out immediately after they get up, after they have food, if the puppy is very excited over something the owners should take them out immediately as they are likely to urinate when they get excited(state of happiness and fear). As your dog will grow old he will ask you to take him out by barking, whining or going at the door, but of course with time you will understand everything about your dog.This is what you should do to toilet train your dog: if your puppy seems to be uncomfortable then just lift him and take him out and put him down in a place that you think alright for your pup to relieve himself, stand next to him and wait for him till he has relieved himself, then praise him well and get him inside.
It is quite obvious that you will not be with your puppy all the time so for the times when you are a little busy with then you can use playpen. Place the playpen on a clean floor, spread newspaper around it but if you have good space it is better to keep a puppy outdoors in a kennel. A puppy if brought up under unhygienic conditions in kennel will lack instinct to be clean, such a puppy will rarely worry about a finding a suitable spot so the owner has to be a little alert and observant all the time.The moment you see a puppy squatting indoors to relieve himself , immediately pick him up and in a firm tone say "No" and take him out, correct him when he is wrong.If you follow this for a day or two you will see that the puppy will start to worry the moment he is uncomfortable
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