Finding the right dog for training
Understanding dog intelligence
Dog intelligence
Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems. Dog Intelligence does not make the dog trainable, the majority of difficult and disobedient dogs are intelligent unfortunately they land up with owners who lack quality of understanding the canine intelligence
Obedience training is one of the easiest ways to maintain physical and mental health of your dog it will also keep your dog from developing behavior problems. Obedience training will teach your dog how to communicate with you.
Dog intelligence does matter at times.Although it is not always easy to train an intelligent dog, he can be taught lot more than the dogs with below average intelligence and that is a lot of fun, but at the end it all depends on how he uses his intelligence. He may use is intelligence in your favor or against what you actually expect him to do.Like humans, for dogs intelligence have got nothing to do with the temperament.It is essential that the dog and the trainer have the same temperaments else together they will never get anywhere at all.
Do not waste time on a shy or nervous puppy, its a hereditary temperament problem caused by breeding of shy dogs.Although it is not unusual for a puppy to show fear in a new situation, a shy puppy will run away and hide from new people, he will not recover after initial scare and is unable to leave a secure area and venture out.So if you like puppy go and have a discussion with the owners and try to find out as much as you can.
At times it is observed that puppies belonging to small breeders are more easy to train than the ones from big kennels, this happens because the more 'humanizing' a puppy has in its early life the better it will settle when it leaves its mother.While selecting a puppy from a litter remember that the most adventurous puppy at the time of birth will remain the boldest for life provided he has the same opportunities as his brothers and sisters he will be very dominant and intelligent so if you are thinking of opting him you should be sure that you will be able to able to cope with him. Also avoid the backward puppy, i.e the one which is always behind and gets pushed by his brothers and sisters as he would lack in taking any initiative and will not be intelligent. Avoid a shy puppy, there have been cases when bold puppies have turned nervous but the nervous puppies never turn bold.Also when nervous dogs are bred from , it is likely that they will pass on some hereditary weakness.
When you meet a puppy or a dog for the first time, he may not like you initially but after you have been introduced, he should come to you. At the first meeting dogs are not suspicious of strangers but on the contrary he is terrified of them. So never buy a dog or puppy who refuses to get friendly with you or who will not allow you to handle him.
And last but not the least get the puppy's medical examination done before you buy it.
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