

Friday, July 18, 2008

Discrimination of scent



The very that you are asking a dog to do something that you cannot do your self makes this activity really very interesting.All dog trainers please keep in mind, not to force your to use his nose.

You would require two identical articles for this task. One of them should be free from scent,keep both the articles separate. Now ask your dog to sit. Keep both the articles at some distance from him,keep them a foot apart.Keep a handkerchief having the same smell as the scented article and put it under your dog's mouth so that the scent rises into his nose, now use the fetch command and send him to get the article.If he gets the right article, praise him to ensure whether he has got the command right you can again send him to fetch the same article but this time place it at a different location, if you see that your dog is sniffing to identify the article you can be sure that he is getting it right.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dog Training Videos

Have a look at this dog training video, it is very informative.

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How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog

How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Stand command

Training techniques

Dogs used in films and photo shoots are taught how to stand. It is also useful to control your dog to control from a distance.Put a lead on your dog and make him lie down in front of you. Show him something to eat and say "Stand up". As he tries to get up put your toe gently under his belly to help him stand in the right position.Once he is in the right position give him his reward.

Do not indulge in manhandling, many people do that and struggle hard to get the dog in the right position and on the other hand the dog is clueless about what is actually happening and will actually run away from the command. Stand command requires that the dog you intend to train should be enthusiastic about it, since this can become little boring for the dog, keep him motivated by giving food as reward.Once he stands in the correct manner walk away, then walk around, ideally your dog should not get perturbed by your movements here and there.

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How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog

Fetch Dog

How to train a dog to fetch

Training Techniques

It is very easy to teach your dog how to fetch an article.Before beginning this exercise, your dog should be sitting at your side. On command, you will have to throw an article, that is clearly visible to him and indicate the direction to your dog at the same time,your dog should move immediately at a good pace to collect the article.

A very important point about this exercise is that your dog must not do anything until he is told to do that.

Its best to start teaching your dog in play so that he first develops an interest. If you indulge him in a play and reward him then he will be very keen all the time for this game, but if you become very strict in training him, chances are that he may lose interest in this activity and making him enthusiastic about this activity will become difficult.The right time to start teaching this activity to your pup is when you find that he has become interactive and is very enthusiastic about playing any game.I taught my dog to fetch when he was about 2 months old, I noticed one day that he was running away with my pillow, I was 5 months pregnant at that time. It helped me a lot in later stages of pregnancy as my dog used to fetch my slippers from under the bed. Fetch newspaper at the time of morning tea, fetch his chain when he wanted to go for walk and also get my hubby's home slippers when he used to come back from office.

In the beginning use a tennis or a rubber ball as object that has to be retrieved.Dogs generally love to play with balls plus the a way ball bounces on the floor also excites them to run after it. Now, once the dog holds it in his mouth, ignore him, move away, if he wants you to throw it again, he should come back to you, give him some food, that will make him drop the ball in order to eat.After a few days you can start by taking a long rope and tying it to your dog's collar, throw a newspaper roll, say "Fetch" and let your dog run behind it.Once he has the newspaper roll in his mouth you can say "Fetch" again and pull him towards yourself, give him a reward when he comes back.

It is no point teaching your dog to fetch things till the time he has got some kind of obedience.It should not happen that you have struggle to get the article out of his mouth and he refuses to leave it.

Also keep in mind, if your dog stops on the retrieve before coming right up to you, don't make the common mistake of walking up to him, make him come towards you. If he stops, move backwards and keep coaxing him up till he comes till where he is supposed to come and only then praise him for getting the thing up to you.

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preventing bad puppy behavior
How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Friday, July 11, 2008

Teaching your dog to lie down

Lie down command

Training Technique

Down command is very simple, all that you have to do is force your dog to lie down and make sure that he stays there. To teach your dog how to do that the simple technique would be to hold him by the collar under the chin with one hand and then jerking him down with another, as you do this give the "Lie Down" command harshly and this will make the dog naturally creep or lie right down, if your dog struggles, keep on telling him "Down" with a harsh tone, force him to do so gently if your dog is sensitive but if the dog is strong and struggles hard you may have to use your strength to stop him.

Once you have made him lie down the dog should not get up until you ask him to do so.Test him by moving away from him , move actively in and out of the room the moment you see him getting up, go up to him show him that you are annoyed and firmly push him down in the same position and continue.

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preventing bad puppy behaviorHow to teach a dog to heel
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly


How to get your dog to stay when you tell it to sit or stay

Training Technique

Many people have problem teaching their dog to sit and stay.Let us analyze what actually goes wrong. Some people Say "Sit" and make their dog sit in the right manner and then move away slightly and after some time call the dog up and give him reward. The mistake done here is that the dog is not rewarded when he is sitting but he is rewarded for getting up and moving away.The dog should be rewarded when he is sitting down. walk up to him and appreciate that he is sitting down properly.

Once you know that your dog is comfortable with the "stay" command you can try to put him on stay command when you are out of sight, start with going out of sight and returning immediately, your dog may get confused but will immediately calm down once he sees you coming back, slowly you can increase the time when you are away.

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How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

How to teach a dog to heel

Heel Command

with and without lead

Heel is one of the first things taught in obedience class.It you have brought up your dog in a manner such that he is has any bad habits then its going to be lot more easy and fun to train your dog

Heel on lead

1. The dog should sit straight next to the trainer
2.After giving the command the trainer should walk briskly forward in straight line with the dog.
3. The dog should be at the same level as the trainer and close to his legs.
4. Lead should be held loose at all times.
5. On left or right turn the trainer should smartly turn the lead at the right angle so that the dog is able to maintain his position.
6. On giving command "Halt". The trainer should halt and the dog should sit next to the trainer.

Heel without lead

This is the next step, after the dog understands heel with the lead on, the trainer should now train him to to heel without lead. The steps are same only that here there will be no lead.

If you are training your dog with the intention of taking him to a show you must keep in mind that the judges will see whether your dog executes your commands in a happy and natural manner also the judge considers the trainer and the dog one team and the dog is not the only one who is being judged.

Practically in normal day to day life the right way to heel is that the dog remains slightly behind the owner so that it does not create much of nuisance.

Coordinating the mind to heel

Like all other exercises start training at a place where your dog is comfortable also keep in mind that since the heel command require a lot of concentration the dog should not get distracted.It is advisable to use chain slip collar for this exercise.Its best to use chain slip collar for training dog to heel. It is a good idea to use it because if the dog goes out of control you can easily jerk him by pulling and you can easily make him comfortable by allowing the lead to slack.Ideal length of the lead should be 3 ft.Before attaching the lead to the collar check that it fits comfortably with the ring under the under the dog's neck. Hold the lead by the right hand, your dog has to walk on your right side, if he tries to go on the left side all you have to do is pull the chain so that the dog comes under control. Keep the lead loose such that when it bends to hang it is halfway between the neck and the ground. Since the dog is on your right side keep that hand for patting him and the left hand should be used for correction if any.

Say your dog's name followed by the word "heel", give him a little jerk so that he starts walking and the moment it reaches your level pat him and appreciate him. If the dog tries to rush forward let him do so, and say heel loudly and pull the lead with force, the impact of the jerk will be more this way and the dog will understand the advantage of walking at the same level as yours.Be active and quick, your dog should not be able to make out where you are going to turn next. move in different directions.Although, it is common sense for any owner to know the degree of jerk that has to applied for correction, I would still like to mention a note about it, the owner should know about how sensitive the neck would be to different levels of jerks.Dogs with thin neck can get hurt with a harsh jerk so but big huge dogs who have the stamina to pull their owners, should be handled with a lot of strength.

Once you feel that your dog has understood the heel command well then you can try your hands on heel free. If you have trained your dog well in heel with lead you will have no problems with heel free.

Halt command

Once the command HALT is given the trainer should halt immediately and the dog should sit straight by his side. Initially start with heel on lead, walk actively and then stop suddenly giving the command "Sit". If your dog gets confused force him to sit by pulling his collar from one end and pressing on his rump from the other hand.If your dog is obstinate, grip him by the loose skin on the rump with the other hand pressing him down. Remember to praise your dog from time to time while training him and repeat each exercise several times until the dog grasps it properly.

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Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Preventing bad puppy behavior

Puppy discipline training

Puppy Training

Ideal puppy training should start when he is about 9- 12 months of age that means a till this age the pup should not be taken to the training classes, but he can learn a lot till he gets this old. Puppies have good tendency to learn at an early age but still strict disciplinary training should be avoided till minimum 9 months of age, till then the owner should focus on teaching the puppy to prevent bad habits and develop good habits.For a young puppy training should be like playing a game, let your pup enjoy, let him relax and feel at home. If he feels like barking allow him but then he should stop when you tell him not to bark. In order to prevent bad habit ensure that you don't get in a position where your pup disobeys you intentionally or unintentionally. Every time you tell him something and he disobeys you , you have gone back a step and if you allow it you are going to encourage repetition.

Making a puppy learn its name

Call your puppy by name when its time for his meal, he will associate the the name with food i.e, pleasure and soon start responding to the name. This is a very simple exercise and something that the dogs learn easily.There are however some cases when the dog refuses to come when he is called.Try not to associate the name with unpleasant event, for example if the whole family intends to go out, the owners call the pup by the name and the pup immediately responds back by coming straight up to the owner, then he is locked in his room and left alone. The pup will now associate the name with the event of leaving him alone and the next time when the owner calls him he will run away rather than responding to the name.

There are however going to be many such events when you will have to call your pup by the name and then do something that he does not like like putting him on lead, locking him, taking him for a bath or at times for correcting or punishing him so how do we go about encouraging our pets when the name is being called? The answer is that the number of pleasant events associated with the name should be more than the number of unpleasant events.

How to leave the puppy alone

Many dog owners and trainers face a lot of trouble while teaching their pup how to stay alone at home without making a fuss. It is first important to understand what bothers your pup.When pup enters a new house for the first time there is a whole family waiting for him, they play with him the whole day but in the night when they go to sleep leaving the pup alone he begins to howl because of sudden change, if anyone gets up to console the puppy he will immediately realize that making noise is the right key to get immediate attention.What the owners of the pup should do initially is to make a small cozy bed in a box or a basket and then leave them alone, although the pup may howl for sometime but after sometime he is likely to settle down.It is a good ting to keep a mild sedative(Consult you vet)as a standby. In case you use it, keep in mind to to effectively reduce and discontinue as soon as possible.

Never go back to your dog when he is actually making noise, you can go for when he stops making noise and then praise him and come back.Slowly he will understand that the owner is just leaving him for a short time.

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How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to begin training your puppy

house training a dog tips

In house dog training

The first thing that you need to do when you get a pup home is to make him aware of what all is acceptable at his new home.In order to house train a dog or a puppy it is essential that first it associates your presence as pleasure and is happy when you are around, only then he will try to understand what you want to tell him. Since house training is the first training that your puppy is going to receive, if not carried out with care, it can completely ruin the temperament of your pet.

Puppies take time to settle down, they have just been removed from their mother, bothers and sisters and generally nervous or tensed in the new home, in this state of mind it is quite natural that the puppy will urinate frequently due to disturbed bladder and bowel movements.Do not scold your puppy in initial level till the time it becomes comfortable with the surroundings and the new environment. Punishing him and shouting at him will only make him hate you and the surroundings where he is being brought up.

Understanding the mental state of the puppy is also very important, when it steps in your house it is looking for a protector, like mother.If you think of leaving the pup alone at home and on returning back you see that there is a puddle on the floor, punishing the pup at that moment will be wrong because the pup has forgotten that he has urinated, he is waiting for the owner to return.If the owner comes back and shouts at him he will associate return of the owner with unpleasant memory and you may not find him waiting for you when you come back next time also the chances are that next time when you come back you will again find puddle on the floor.

If the owner gets harsh, the puppy can adopt a submissive attitude.Wrong attitude on part of the owner can only make their dog shy and nervous.A dog can even become a complete nervous wreck if the owner continues with harsh attitude.

Puppies actually want to be clean and even human babies cannot stay long without relieving themselves, its a good health sign only thing is that they have to be trained properly.The owner has to teach the puppy to go outside to relieve themselves, but then there is a way to tell them that. First you must understand the signs which express that the puppy needs to go out.As far as small puppies are concerned the owners will have to take them out immediately after they get up, after they have food, if the puppy is very excited over something the owners should take them out immediately as they are likely to urinate when they get excited(state of happiness and fear). As your dog will grow old he will ask you to take him out by barking, whining or going at the door, but of course with time you will understand everything about your dog.This is what you should do to toilet train your dog: if your puppy seems to be uncomfortable then just lift him and take him out and put him down in a place that you think alright for your pup to relieve himself, stand next to him and wait for him till he has relieved himself, then praise him well and get him inside.

It is quite obvious that you will not be with your puppy all the time so for the times when you are a little busy with then you can use playpen. Place the playpen on a clean floor, spread newspaper around it but if you have good space it is better to keep a puppy outdoors in a kennel. A puppy if brought up under unhygienic conditions in kennel will lack instinct to be clean, such a puppy will rarely worry about a finding a suitable spot so the owner has to be a little alert and observant all the time.The moment you see a puppy squatting indoors to relieve himself , immediately pick him up and in a firm tone say "No" and take him out, correct him when he is wrong.If you follow this for a day or two you will see that the puppy will start to worry the moment he is uncomfortable

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This page gives information about how to teach heel command to your dog
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Principles of dog training

Dogs are not like humans

Many people believe that dogs are like humans but the fact is that dogs usually do not reason.They learn by relating events to how they feel.i.e, if they do something that would give them pleasure, they will repeat it and if they do something that would lead to an unpleasant experience then they will not repeat it its as simple as that.So the basic idea is to give a reward to your dog if he does the right thing so that he is able to associate a command to pleasure and correct him if he goes wrong so that he associates the mistakes to displeasure.Dogs should be scolded the moment they are wrong so that they know what they are being punished for, delay in punishing will only confuse your dog. When living with a family a dog is able to make out who is the most dominant person amongst all the family members and prefers to obey him.

Correction and rewards

A trainer should know the extent to which correction and rewards can be applied. You must know how well your dog understands reward and correction. While some dogs consider some incentive(like some thing to eat) as a reward for others a gentle pat on the head or a big hug is sufficient same applies to correction or giving punishment.

While giving punishment to your dog for doing something wrong do not hit, if he develops a fear he will generally keep away from your hand and this is the last thing any owner would like to see happening. The best way to correct your dog is to first jerk him with the lead, it is always better to go for a chain clip collar than the buckled collar.Chain slip collars generally hang lose and are more comfortable than the buckled ones but at the same time they can be immediately jerked up tight to have complete command over your dog.

If the dog misbehaves and creates nuisance the best way to correct him is to hold him by the loose skin on each side of the neck , shake him well and scold him and maintain a good eye contact when you scold him but this method of correction should be used only after you are sure that there is a good bonding between you and your dog, else he is likely to depressed.

Rewarding a dog when he does what is expected from him is very important, never ever overlook its importance at the time of training.For an ideal dog reward reward means friendly pat, a hug or sweet words best way to reward the dog is through kind gestures and speaking. However all dogs are not alike, some may not care about whether they are patted or not others may over react to an extent to forgetting what they have been taught.Use of food as a reward is a controversial subject.It works well but many trainers think that its is not wise to have a dog who will do everything keeping food in mind. Use of food as a reward is not allowed in competitions, but what is most important is that the dog should understand the what he has to do - food or no food is something that the trainer has to decide.

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Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Correcting bad dog behavior

Bad dog behavior

Many bad habits are fault of the owner rather than the dog

Most of the bad habits are the fault of the owner rather than the dog.It is very important for the owner to spend time with his dog, train him and love him. If you neglect your dog it is quite likely to cause boredom and frustration causing him to become little destructive.The owner is completely responsible for the incorrect behavior of the dog,I would advice all owners to be very particular about the dog behavior from the very beginning else it will create a lot of problems for you at later stages.

Although it is always better to start training a dog from the time he is a small puppy but troublesome behavior can be corrected at any point of time.One of the biggest advantage of training an adult dog is that you know what it is whereas in case of a puppy you are still trying to assess what it may become.It is also unwise to rear more than one puppy together as they tend to get more attached to each other than to their owners.The most important things to try to assess are the dog's inherent capabilities and how bad are the bad habits

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Principles of dog training
How to begin training your puppy
preventing bad puppy behavior
How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Finding the right dog for training

Understanding dog intelligence

Dog intelligence

Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems. Dog Intelligence does not make the dog trainable, the majority of difficult and disobedient dogs are intelligent unfortunately they land up with owners who lack quality of understanding the canine intelligence

Obedience training is one of the easiest ways to maintain physical and mental health of your dog it will also keep your dog from developing behavior problems. Obedience training will teach your dog how to communicate with you.

Dog intelligence does matter at times.Although it is not always easy to train an intelligent dog, he can be taught lot more than the dogs with below average intelligence and that is a lot of fun, but at the end it all depends on how he uses his intelligence. He may use is intelligence in your favor or against what you actually expect him to do.Like humans, for dogs intelligence have got nothing to do with the temperament.It is essential that the dog and the trainer have the same temperaments else together they will never get anywhere at all.

Do not waste time on a shy or nervous puppy, its a hereditary temperament problem caused by breeding of shy dogs.Although it is not unusual for a puppy to show fear in a new situation, a shy puppy will run away and hide from new people, he will not recover after initial scare and is unable to leave a secure area and venture out.So if you like puppy go and have a discussion with the owners and try to find out as much as you can.

At times it is observed that puppies belonging to small breeders are more easy to train than the ones from big kennels, this happens because the more 'humanizing' a puppy has in its early life the better it will settle when it leaves its mother.While selecting a puppy from a litter remember that the most adventurous puppy at the time of birth will remain the boldest for life provided he has the same opportunities as his brothers and sisters he will be very dominant and intelligent so if you are thinking of opting him you should be sure that you will be able to able to cope with him. Also avoid the backward puppy, i.e the one which is always behind and gets pushed by his brothers and sisters as he would lack in taking any initiative and will not be intelligent. Avoid a shy puppy, there have been cases when bold puppies have turned nervous but the nervous puppies never turn bold.Also when nervous dogs are bred from , it is likely that they will pass on some hereditary weakness.

When you meet a puppy or a dog for the first time, he may not like you initially but after you have been introduced, he should come to you. At the first meeting dogs are not suspicious of strangers but on the contrary he is terrified of them. So never buy a dog or puppy who refuses to get friendly with you or who will not allow you to handle him.

And last but not the least get the puppy's medical examination done before you buy it.

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Fetch Dog
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Monday, July 7, 2008

Selecting a dog for obedience training

Tip on how to select a dog

Dog sports of all kind will help you understand how well trained dogs behave and indulging in such sports is also a very good experience.Obedience training makes a dog more alert and responsive but obedience training should not be carried out to the extremes.

Before starting with the training part, I would first like to discuss how to choose the right dog. There are three factors that need to be considered before buying a pet dog: 1. Whether one should opt for a puppy or an adult dog. 2.Which is the best breed? 3. Whether one should opt for a dog or a bitch.

If this is the first time that you are going to own or train a dog, it is better to opt for a puppy. A dog's mental characteristics can be influenced at any point of time, also if you start with a puppy you will be able to ensure that it is brought up properly, plus in case of a puppy you will be starting from scratch, but if you go for an adult dog who already has some bad habits you may find him little difficult to control.

How to select a puppy?

Consider the following in selecting an appropriate puppy. In a litter of puppies determine the nature/behavior of puppies.A quiet, submissive puppy would be a good choice for a single or elderly person. If you have a children at home opt for the active and dominant puppy as there will be of activity at home to keep the puppy busy. Check for assertiveness. Hold the puppy in your arms, If he struggles to get down, it means he is independent and not a good choice for training. The right puppy would be the one who shows no fear when you interact with him because it is very important for the puppy to trust you as an leader. Try to interact with the puppy by throwing a ball or any toy alongside of him. If he goes for it and wiggles all over, then it is the best choice for the children.

Which is the best breed?

It all depends upon your need.So the first thing that you need to ask yourself is what kind of dog you are looking for? But speaking generally the best dogs to train are the ones belonging to the herding and the gun dog groups.

Dog or a bitch?

As far as the character and the personality of the pet is concerned the gender does not matter so from training point of view the gender is not something that should be considered but if you want to know which one will be a better pet overall then you need to do a little more research on factors such as size, temperament, and level of care.

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How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

obedience training For Dogs|Puppies

puppy training guide

This blog intends to help all those who desire to have an Obedient dog.You can consider this blog as a dog or a puppy training guide.

dog behavior

In order to train a dog it is important to first understand instincts, temperament and general mentality of your dog. If a dog is not obedient its only because his trainer fails to understand the basic mentality of the canine. It is important to understand what exactly would make the dog tick. Training is not just about teaching your dog to sit, stand and execute some other common commands, its about teaching your dog to behave well and live like others in the family. Puppy behavior is just like kids, training and molding puppy behavior is much like training kids.

As a dog trainer or a dog owner one must understand that a domestic dog, although living under unnatural conditions like all of us has a very natural and active mind. We get to see a lot of articles written about the kind of physical exercises that are necessary for your pet but what we don't get to read very often is the importance of mental peace and stability of the dog. Although many dog owners claim that they love their pet a lot, it is very disheartening to see that how insensitive they are towards the emotional need of their dog.

If you decide to keep a pet then or if you own a pet you must have time to get your dog involved in some mental exercises. If conducted properly obedience training is a lot of fun and actually speaking happy dogs are obedient dogs , you cannot train a dog which is not in the right frame of mind, so lot of love and affection is what is actually required for the right upbringing of your puppy. One thing that every dog owner should realize is that your dog cannot tell you or express himself to you so you have to take the first step to understand your dog. Lot of patience is required to transform your puppy into a loyal companion is a very satisfying experience

Selecting a dog for obedience training
Finding the right dog for training
Want to know more about dogs & puppies?....Visit puppylounge!!
Correcting bad dog behavior
Principles of dog training
How to begin training your puppy
Dog health tip of the day
preventing bad puppy behavior
How to teach a dog to heel
Teaching your dog to lie down
Fetch Dog
How to teach a dog to stand correctly

Reference: The obedient dog - by John Holmes

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